maternityphotoshamilton_0001Oh friends! I can’t even begin to explain to you all the feelings that are, these days, constantly bubbling over the surface in the form of many ugly, happy, grateful tears.

I was organising my new office space this week, since my teeeny tiny home office has quite rapidly been turned into a sweet ‘n simple nursery for our teeeeny tiny human (Photos coming soon!) Wanna know what I read over again? My 2016 goals. Front and centre: “This is the year I build my business and bake a baby.” You don’t even want to know the tears that then happened!

I hoped this would be our year. And after a couple of months of sorting things out health wise, I can’t even begin to put into words how grateful I am that it happened relatively quickly and by some insane stroke of luck, with perfect timing business wise.

maternityphotoshamilton_0002On March 21st 2016, a solid “+” sign stared me in the face…after a weekend of having “that feeling,” seeing “that rainbow” with my besty and driving home to every song on the radio telling me I was right. I may or may not have taken a further 9 tests over the next few weeks while I was away in South know, just in case!

maternityphotoshamilton_0003Since that big positive, we’ve had an incredibly exhausting first trimester (with very little sickness though, thankfully!) We got to meet our bouncing babe on the screen and watch him wave, roll over and flash his dad his family jewels so we could share with the world that we were on team blue. I definitely skipped out on the energetic “get the glow” second trimester but we celebrated anyway with a local mini baby-moon and embraced the bump in a bikini thanks to the madness of the summer we had this year.

maternityphotoshamilton_0005And now, here we are. Firmly in the last little third, which I’ll admit, feels like the longest one! But we’re just 8(ish) weeks out from our little guy’s arrival. We’re growing by the day, we have a very busy bean on board so we’re constantly feeling SO many strong kicks and this little dude already has his mamma sleep training like a pro with wake ups every morning like clockwork! No one warns you about the lack of sleep that starts BEFORE the baby arrives (or the other weird stuff like your wrists swelling making your hands numb or your feet growing by a half a size??) But that’s another story for another post!

maternityphotoshamilton_0004We have one more wedding of the season to rock (belly band and granny shoes will be once again making their appearance),  a couple of editing deadlines and special deliveries to go and then it’s time. Time to press pause on my business baby for a bit and dedicate some time to this new season of our lives. 2017 consults will be taking place online over the winter, and I have some nap-time plans for the blog but we’ll see how things go. I’ll be doing most of my baby blogging over at Paper Planes & Peaches , but of course will be popping onto Instagram as usual. Things are going to quieten down here between December and May next year..but I can’t promise it will be as quiet if you come for a visit and baby snuggles.

We’ve been SO spoilt by our special…including the insanely talented Jenn Kavanagh who worked her usual magic when we popped the bump in front of his first professional camera a couple of weeks ago. Seriously, I could not love these images from her any more if I tried! We arrived at our shoot location and Jenn noticed this lone tree that screamed all things Africa. So of course, we had to hop under it for a snuggle. And now, it’s printed for hanging in the nursery to remind our little Canadian that “home” can be found in many places, but no matter what, home is always where we are together.

maternityphotoshamilton_0006Also, I just realised that I’ve been writing this post while the morning news morphed into Paw Patrol and I’m now kind of invested in the story line and may finish watching it while eating my third breakfast since waking up at 4am. You guys, this life is all kinds of crazy wonderful. Thank you for all the love and support that is constantly swirling around us. Thank you for sticking around for the adventure of moving life across the globe and everything that’s happened since. You always make the list of things I’m grateful for!

Happy Friday!



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